Austin Piping Society

Welcome to a new aspect of our outreach to the Central Texas Area. We are hoping that our approximately monthly meetings will be a place where pipers of any level can get together to perform individually or in small groups, initially on bagpipes (highland, small pipes, etc.) but could consider whistles, flutes, etc. if there is sufficient demand and interest.
The idea is for folks to sign up ahead of time for a slot to perform. If anyone wants to play solo competition tunes, an open piper can provide some insights on your playing. This can also be a venue for folks to come and listen to some solo piping. We anticipate that both piobaireachd or ceòl mòr (classical form) as well as ceòl beag (light music) will be offered by participants.
We are looking forward to our second meeting at 6:30-8:30 on Friday, April 26th, at the Austin Beerworks. Please bring friends and family, all are welcome.